(Indians)Horoscope matching for Marriage
(Indians)Horoscope matching for Marriage
Kundali/Jataka/Horoscope Matching Report over Email
Service Description
Give the date of birth, time of birth and place of birth of aspiring groom and bride. After analysis, the Ashtakoota, Dashkoota, KP &/or Prashna based scores will be shared over email. These scores can be used as 1/6th part while making marriage compatibility decisions.
Cancellation Policy
If it is necessary to cancel your scheduled appointment, we require that you drop a mail to us one working day in advance. Appointments are high in demand, and your early cancellation will give another person the possibility to have access to timely medical care, life issues and construction plans.
Contact Details
Vedavidhya Consultants, Naidu Street, Karnataka, India (Not Kadur) Vedavidhya Consultants, Naidu Street, Kadur, Chikmagalur, Karnataka, India