The Swastika is a symbol that wishes goodness for the entire universe

Swasti na indro vridhasravāh Swasti nah pūsā viswavedāh Swasti nastārksyo arishtanemih Swasti no brihaspatir dadhātu
Meaning of Swastika (卐)
The term 'Swastika' is derived from the Sanskrit words 'Su', meaning good or auspicious, and 'Asti', meaning to be. Therefore, Swastika signifies well-being and prosperity.
Unique Feature of Swastika
A key feature of the Swastika is that wherever it is drawn in a house, it is believed to increase positive energy up to 100 times. Many followers of Hinduism draw it at their doorsteps and various places inside their homes.
Construction of the Swastika
As per the traditional method, the Swastika should be 9 inches in size. It starts with two straight lines that eventually bend and have slightly curved ends. The Swastika with lines bending towards the right is called 'Dakshinavarta', and the one with lines bending left is called 'Vamavarta'.
Initially, a vertical line is drawn from east to west and a horizontal line from south to north over it. Then, a line is added at the end of each arm of the Swastika.
After this, a dot is placed in between each of the four arms. The left side of the Swastika is also considered to represent the seed mantra 'Gam' of Lord Ganesha, and the four dots are believed to be the abode of various deities including Gauri, Prithvi, and Kachhapa.
Swastika in the North or Northeast Direction
It's important to know the correct direction to draw the Swastika symbol, especially on the main door of the house. According to Vastu Shastra, it should always be drawn in the north or northeast direction. It is believed that drawing the Swastika in these directions brings the blessings of God and deities upon the family.
Meaning of the Four Arms of Swastika
In the Rigveda, the Swastika is identified with the Sun, and its four arms are likened to the four directions. Additionally, the center of the Swastika represents Vishnu's navel, and the lines are said to symbolize Brahma's four heads, four hands, and the four Vedas.
In other scriptures, the Swastika symbolizes the four Yugas and the four Ashramas (stages of life: Dharma, Artha, Kama, Moksha). This auspicious symbol has been a part of the entire creation since time immemorial.
Swastika in Indian Culture
In Indian culture, the Swastika has been considered a symbol of good fortune since ancient times. It is customarily drawn in auspicious ceremonies, during the opening of new accounts, and in various other rituals.
Swastika for Rectifying Vastu Faults
In Vastu Shastra, the Swastika symbol holds great importance. If there is any flaw at the main entrance of a house, drawing a Swastika symbol there is believed to reduce the impact of the Vastu fault, thereby maintaining peace, prosperity, and auspiciousness in the home.
-Hemanth Kumar G